Welcome to HRHS Track 2019! We've officially started practices and will continue to have new athletes joining every day until registration closes on February 25. For those who are already working out with us, here are some announcements and invitations to mark your calendar.
(By the way, you can see and subscribe to our Google calendar here)
February 25 -- Registration Closes @ noon. Click here to register.
Current physical form must be on file in the athletic office.
Click here for the blank form if you need to get a physical.
March 5 @ 6pm -- Mandatory Parent Night in the Commons
Meet the coaches and other parents. We'll share information on the program, our season, expectations for athletes, schedule details, nutrition, injury prevention and care, and ways parents can get involved.
March 6 @ 5:00 - 7:30 pm -- Spike Night @ Runner's Roost
Runner's Roost offers a 15% discount to you and gives 10% back to our program on this night!
Click here for details.
March 7 @ 4pm -- JV Meet @ Ranch
March 8 @ 6:30 pm -- Arizona Parent Meeting (Room 1265)
This Spring Break trip to the Chandler Rotary Invite is optional for athletes and space is limited. It's a great opportunity for us to build team camaraderie and compete in warm weather early in the season.
Click for details on the trip and sign up now if interested. T
his meeting is mandatory for parents of athletes who will participate.
March 9 -- Varsity League Relays @ Echo Park
Last but not least,
check out our online HRHS Track apparel store. We do NOT provide sweats for athletes as part of a uniform, but they can purchase sweats and other HRHS Track apparel here.