Monday, March 22, 2021

Updates: Week of March 22

Welcome back after Spring Break! Here's what you need to know and do for the rest of March.

HRHS Winter Series #4

Unfortunately with the snow and the bad forecast for Wednesday, we have decided to cancel the last track meet on Wednesday. As we get closer to the season we will work on scheduling some low-key meets with other schools.

Rock Canyon Invite March 27

This Saturday (3/27), Rock Canyon will be hosting a track meet at Echo Park Stadium. Anyone is welcomed to participate. Here is the tentative schedule.

Coach Douglass needs to enter by Wednesday at midnight so please fill out this form ASAP if you want to participate. We cannot do last minute entries. Cost is $10 per event, per person.

Off-Season Workouts

As we get closer and closer to the season, it is important for all athletes who are not participating in another sport to be coming to our off-season workouts. We will now be meeting five days a week at 3:00 pm in the HRHS weightroom.


Registration is not open yet, but remember you need an updated physical before the first practice. Click here for more information on physicals.