Banquet Info:
Our banquet will take place at HRHS at 6:00pm on Sunday May 20th. This banquet is for all athletes (varsity and JV). Check your email from Tara Chambo to see more information and what you need to bring.
State Info:
State will be held at Jeffco Stadium Thursday-Saturday.
What a season! We will have 26 athletes representing us at the state meet, either in the meet or as alternates for relays. Every single member has worked hard this year and for most of them many years to get to the high level of excellence. Huge congrats to the girls for qualifying all 5 out of 5 relays!
The following athletes will be representing HR at State:
Andrew Wisniewski, Grant Bauer, Zach Salcido, Bennett Atencio, JT Aluise, Matt Wisniewski, Drake Nugent, Jonathon Lewis, Kyler Goslee, Annie Johanning, Kyri Chambo, Shantine DeMasse, Hayley Smith, Bryce Johansen, Megan Koch, JJ Joyner, Peri Hennigar, Madison Sedbrook, Lauren Gwyn, Maddie Burns, Allison Moorhead, Katie Ellis, Eve Lacroix, Sarah Salcido, Elena Opp and Mikayla Johnson
Full List of Qualifiers and Events
State Meet Schedule
Uniform Turn In:
State runners can turn their uniform in at the banquet. Everybody else needs to bring their uniforms to Coach Douglass' classroom (room 1285) either tomorrow May 15th or next week. You will be fined if you do not turn your uniform in.

Girls Placed 4th, Boys Placed 8th
Full meet results can be found here
Falcons in the top 3:
Girls 4x800 (Megan, Bryce, Gwyn, Maddie)
Elena Opp- Shot Put
Boys 4x800 (Bennett, Zach, Grant, Andrew)
Jonathon Lewis- High Jump
Drake Nugent- Discus
Kyri Chambo- 100m
Bryce Johansen- 800m (#5 for Sophomores in the nation!)
Megan Koch- 800m
Girls 4x100 (Kyri, Hayley, Shantine, Bryce)
Shantine DeMasse- Long Jump
Elena Opp- Discus
Grant Bauer- 800m
Boys 4x400 (JT, Vogel, Grant, Andrew)
Drake Nugent- Shot Put