First and foremost thank you so much to all the supportive parents we've had all year. Between running two meets, fundraising, supporting the team and your athletes you guys have been awesome! We truly couldn't do all that we do without you!
Schedule for the week
Only those participating in League will need to attend practice. If your athlete is not sure please have them come talk to either Douglass or Krauss.
Monday- Practice
Tuesday- Practice
Wednesday- Practice and Flower Pick-Ups
Thursday- League Day 1
Friday- Practice
Saturday- League Day 2
Schedule for League
Flower Sales
We still have some flowers to sell, if we could get one final push to help us sell out that would be awesome.
Community Service
We need help unloading flowers (at around 9am on Wednesday) and holding signs for drive up orders for flowers, anytime afternoon but especially right when school is ending. If you are able to work these hours you will get community service hours for it. Please let Douglass know ASAP.

Meet Recap and Results
Again, thanks for everybody that helped out! We had a well-ran meet and great results! Girls won the meet and guys took 3rd overall! We also have a lot more teams/people in our top 10 list for school history!
Full Meet Results
Falcons that placed in the top 3:
Megan Koch- 800m
Katie Ellis- 3200m
Peri Hennigar- 100mH
Peri Hennigar- 300mH
Girls 4x100 (Annie, Kyri, Hayley, Bryce)
Girls 4x200 (Megan, Kyri, Hayley, Bryce)
Girls SMR8 (Kyri, Hayley, Megan, Bryce)
Girls 4x400 (JJ, Sarah, Lauren, Maddie)
Elena Opp- HJ
Shantine DeMasse- LJ
Shantine DeMasse- TJ
Mikayla Johnson- PV
Elena Opp- Disc
Elena Opp- Shot Put
Andrew Wisniewski- 400m
Boys SMR8 (Jake, Dom, Taylor, Talmage)
Boys 4x800 (Bennett, JT, Grant, Andrew)
Jonothan Lewis- HJ
Kyler Goslee- HJ
Ricky Orban- LJ
Corbin Frick- PV
Drake Nugent- Disc
Drake Nugent- Shot Put
With state coming up I wanted to write a little blur about how to make state, who is currently qualified and post the schedule.
In order to make state you have to be top 18 within your event for 5A. Everybody in the state still has one more meet so these rankings can and will change. However, if the season ended today here is how we are looking on state qualifiers.
Boys- Andrew Wisniewski- 800m-10th, Drake Nugent- Discus- 10th, Drake Nugent- Shot Put- 1st, Jonathon Lewis- HJ- 6th, Kyler Goslee- HJ- 10th, Corbin Frick- PV- 18th
Girls- Bryce Johansen- 200m-15th, Bryce Johasen- 400m-4th, Megan Koch- 400m- 16th, Bryce Johansen- 800m-7th, Megan Koch- 800m- 13th, Elena Opp- Discus- 13th, Elena Opp- Shot Put- 14th, Elena Opp- HJ- 16th, Shantine DeMasse- LJ- 10th, Shantine DeMasse- TJ- 12th, Mikayla Johnson- PV- 10th
Relays- Boys 4x800-7th, Girls 4x100-15th, Girls 4x200-8th, Girls 4x400- 4th, Girls SMR8-4th